Bind 29

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For videnskabelige artikler, se nedenfor:

Bakkendorf, O. 1960a. Description of Podagrion enei n. sp. and Notes on Two Other Hymenopterous Parasites. - 29: 364-371. klik her for PDF

Bakkendorf, O. 1960b. Description of Anaphoidea chrysomelae n. sp. (Hym., Mymaridae). - 29: 372-375. klik her for PDF

Birket-Smith, J. 1959. Genital Preparations of Male Lepidoptera. - 29: 170-178. klik her for PDF

Bloch, E. 1960. Laelia coenosa Hb. En ny dansk storsommerfugl fra 1959. - 29: 212-215. klik her for PDF

Claridge, M. F. 1960. Synonymy and lectotype selection for two Fabricius species of Eurytoma (Hym., Eurytomidae). - 29: 248-249. klik her for PDF

Deurs, W. van. 1960. Nye sommerfugle 1958-59. - 29: 320. klik her for PDF

Fæster, K. 1959a. (Mindre Meddelelse: Trennung der Sphecodes-arten pellucidus Smith und divisus Kirby (Hym., Apidae)). - 29: 45. klik her for PDF

Fæster, K. 1959b. (Mindre Meddelelse: Aculeate hymenopterer ny for den danske fauna). - 29: 45. klik her for PDF

Fæster ["Faester"], K. 1959c. In Dänemark getroffene Arten von Bombus und Psithyrus (Hym., Apidae). - 29: 152-153. klik her for PDF

Hammer, M. 1960. A Few More Oribatids from Greenland and Lapland. - 29: 360-363. klik her for PDF

Hansen, V. 1959. Ændringer i vor billefauna. 1958. - 29: 151-152. klik her for PDF

Hansen, V. 1960a. The Danish Species of the Genus Stenostola Muls. (Coleopt., Cerambycidae). - 29: 321-322. klik her for PDF

Hansen, V. 1960b. Ændringer i vor billefauna. 1959. - 29: 323-325. klik her for PDF

Heie, O. 1960a. A List of Danish Aphids. 1.: Macrosiphoniella Del Guerc. and Dactynotus Raf. - 29: 193-211. klik her for PDF

Heie, O. 1960b. Aulacorthum knautiae n. sp. (Homoptera: Aphididae). - 29: 304-311. klik her for PDF

Heie, O. 1960c. Aphids caught in Moericke-trays on 5 localities in Denmark in 1956. - 29: 329-359. klik her for PDF

Hemmingsen, A. M. 1958. A crane-fly larva (Tipula juncea Meigen) living in blown sand. - 29: 46-64. klik her for PDF

Hemmingsen, A. M. 1960a. The function of some remarkable crane-fly ovipositors. - 29: 221-247. klik her for PDF

Hemmingsen, A. M. 1960b. Instincts of Ammophila (Psammophila) tydei Guillon (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). - 29: 325-328. klik her for PDF

Hemmingsen, A. M., B. Mannheims & P. Nielsen 1958. Notes on crane-flies (Tipulidae) collected by Dr. Axel M. Hemmingsen in the Canary Islands. - 29: 71-77. klik her for PDF

Lyneborg, L. 1959. A Revision of the Danish Species of Hybomitra End. (Dipt., Tabanidae). With Description of Five New Species. - 29: 78-150. klik her for PDF

Mouchamps, R. 1959. Remarques sur quelques Hyphydrus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) (et redescription d'un type de Fabricius). - 29: 1-10. klik her for PDF

Nielsen, P. 1959. Three new species of Limoniinae from the Canary Islands. - 29: 65-70. klik her for PDF

Norgaard, I. 1959. Indflyvningen af sommerfuglen Acherontia atropos L. (Dødningehovedet) i Danmark i året 1956 samt omtale af artens optræden i andre lande. - 29: 11-40. klik her for PDF

Prior, R. N. B. & H. L. G. Stroyan, 1960. On a New Collection of Aphids from Iceland. - 29: 266-293. klik her for PDF

Sellnick, M. 1960. Zercon hammerae, nov. spec., eine neue Milbenart aus Ost-Grönland (Acarina, Zerconidae). - 29: 216-220. klik her for PDF

Stroyan, H. L. G. 1960. Three New Subspecies of Aphids from Iceland (Hem., Hom.). - 29: 250-265. klik her for PDF

Tjeder, B. 1960. A new subapterous Coniopterygid from Denmark (Neuroptera). - 29: 312-319. klik her for PDF

Tuxen, S. L. 1960a. Ergänzendes über die von Silvestri und Berlese beschriebenen Proturen. - 29: 294-303. klik her for PDF

Weis, F. 1960. Usædvanligt fund i en seng. - 29: 376-377. klik her for PDF

Wolff, N. L. 1959. Notes on some Species of the Genus Scoparia Hw. (s. str.) (Lep., Pyraustidae). - 29: 179-192, Pl. 1-2. klik her for PDF